- Download Kase StatWare 64bit Installer (Do you need a 32bit Installer? Get it here.)
- Open the Installer file and follow the steps on the Installation Wizard. Ensure all default file locations remain unchanged. If you receive a warning from Windows, click “More info” then “Run anyway.”
- Download the Kase StatWare ELD file. Do not open the file. Instead, select “Show in folder.” Note where the file is located. Typically, this will be your Downloads folder.
- Open TradeStation then select “File” > “Import export Easy Language” > “Import Easy Language file (ELD, ELS, or ELA)” > “Next” and then “Browse.” Locate the Kase_StatWare ELD from the noted location, select the file, “Open,” and “Next.”
- Follow instructions on the installer ensuring all boxes are checked with each step. After clicking “Finish,” you will receive a reminder message. Click OK. If you are asked to override, choose “Yes to all.”
Within the next 24-hours, a representative from Kase will email you a PassKey.ELD to activate Kase StatWare. After downloading, follow steps 4 and 5 to install the PassKey.ELD.