KaseX TradeStation Installation Instructions

  1. Download KaseX 64bit Installer (Do you need a 32bit Installer?  Get it here.)
  2. Open the Installer file and follow the steps on the Installation Wizard. Ensure all default file locations remain unchanged.  If you receive a warning from Windows, click “More info” then “Run anyway.”
  3. Download the KaseX.ELD file. Do not open the file.  Instead, select “Show in folder.” Note where the file is located.  Typically, this will be your Downloads folder.
  4. Open TradeStation then select “File” > “Import export Easy Language” > “Import Easy Language file (ELD, ELS, or ELA)” > “Next” and then “Browse.” Locate the KaseX.ELD from the noted location, select the file, “Open,” and “Next.”
  5. Follow instructions on the installer ensuring all boxes are checked with each step. After clicking “Finish,” you will receive a reminder message.  Click OK.  If you are asked to override, choose “Yes to all.”

Within the next 24-hours, a representative from Kase will email you a PassKey.ELD to activate Kase StatWare.  After downloading, follow steps 4 and 5 to install the PassKey.ELD.